
Dental Services


Daily Primary & Secondary Claim Submission

All dental protections charging claims for essential and auxiliary claims are sent electronically, day by day. Pre-authorizations will be sent to protections companies when asked. Our stage utilizes your current electronic claims framework. In case you’re right now sending paper claims, dental charging masters in setting up electronic claims at no extra fetched to you. Each claim is looked into some time recently it is sent to a protections company to guarantee that the claim will not be denied over a clerical mistake, which regularly happens 3-4 times per week in most dental offices.

EOBs Posted Daily

All protections installments and protections contract alterations are posted to the persistent records precisely and opportune – inside 24 commerce hours after the EOB is checked by your office. We prescribe keeping the checks the following day, guaranteeing that every day stores adjust with what is posted day by day. Your group of dental protections charging masters will communicate every day together with your office supervisor by means of mail to guarantee smooth end-of-day balancing.

Review All Denied Claims

All claims are closed out at the suitable time. On the off chance that a claim is denied, allude to charging masters will quickly examine the cause and offer the claim in case it is appealable. This consideration to detail guarantees that exceptional equalizations that are legitimately yours are collected as rapidly as possible.

Verify Procedures that are Not Sent to Insurance

Frequently we discover that protections claims are not made convenient. Our stage makes a difference guarantee that this oversight is cured.

Electronic Attachments Used When Available

Electronic connections will be sent for all claims when accessible. On the off chance that a protections company will not acknowledge electronic connections, we’ll handle a paper attachment through the mail. But we are going inquire you to repay us for the fetched of the stamps utilized. On the off chance that you’re as of now not utilizing electronic attachments, we are going help you in setting up the capacity to send electronic connections together with your electronic claims at no extra fetched to you.

Missing Information is Gathered by Us

Regularly patient’s family records are deficient. This will cause a claim to be denied after thirty (30) days, in case not caught some time recently the claim is sent. A normal office will ordinarily have two or three issues like this week by week. The dental protections charging pros will proactively contact your patients and inquire for any lost information–to total the quiet file–to guarantee the foremost provoke installment conceivable. Our stage will report these mistakes in your daily e-mail rundown to assist you superior get it how we are tackling your protections collection issues.

Insurance Aging Report Focus

The Protections Maturing Report is analyzed each month and perseveringly “worked by your dental charging specialists”. You’ll get every day outlines that track how numerous late claims were requested, how much cash was collected, and what your current accounts receivable equalizations are between 30-60 days past due, 60-90 days late, and past 90 days past due. On the off chance that there are any exceptional equalizations simply incline toward not be sought after, it would be ideal if you communicate that to your group through mail to guarantee that all understanding communication rules meet your desires.

Detailed Accounts Receivables Work Log

All late protections equalizations that are thirty (30) days ancient or more seasoned are taken after up each 14 days. Your everyday report will incorporate a outline of any accounts receivable follow-up from that day. A nitty gritty list of your dental charging masters has been working with at the different protections companies is accessible upon ask. Each two to three weeks, nitty gritty notes accumulated by your dental protections charging masters are recorded within the claim status or understanding underwriter notes in your dental administration computer program.


Patient Ledger Audits

By ask, your dental charging masters can review a persistent record for precision. Frequently mistakes happen in past discover that blunders have happened in past record postings, which cause mistakes in your persistent equalizations. There’s a fetched for this benefit. Understanding records are surveyed for root of adjust and your dental charging masters inquire about exchanges up to two a long time prior.

Custom Letters Requesting Payment

Patients who have extraordinary equalizations – simply have regarded to be precise – will get two customized letters asking installment from us asking installment. The reason is to provoke the understanding to call the charging line for clarification on the adjust and to urge your patients account receivable equalizations paid in full. Clients will audit and favor all quiet correspondence templates.

Patient Phone Calls

Patients with current equalizations due who have disregarded articulations will get a arrangement of two phone calls beside the customized letters. The objective is to propel the persistent to pay what they owe.

Clean Bad Debt From Aging Report

When an account is regarded uncollectible, the office is prompted, and the persistent account can at that point be exchanged by the office to a collection organization – in the event that wanted. Your dental charging masters can compose off the account, or the office may exchange the adjust to its craved collection office. Notwithstanding of the result, our stage effectively oversees all of your collectible receivables to guarantee precise accounts receivable detailing.

Electronic Statements

Articulations can be sent electronically through your secure hone administration computer program on a month to month premise, depending on your program and inclinations.

Daily & Weekly Accountability Reports

Day by day emails and week after week rundowns are sent to the specialist that depict who has been reached, how numerous letters have been sent, how numerous phone calls were made, how much cash has been collected, current quiet accounts receivable equalizations, and who cleared out the office without paying any of their parcel. This data will offer assistance your office director superior oversee the front work area staff, hence moving forward understanding parcel collections at the time of service.


Spare thousands on collections

Avoid the disappointment of collecting extra installments that drop between an evaluated co-pay and what a protections approach covers. An irate understanding is distant less likely to pay since they feel sold out and deceived. Utilizing the Medstrix stage to assist you confirm your patients’ protections up front, you altogether decrease these issues in your hone and spare thousands each year!

Cut accounts receivable

Having overhauled and precise protections data on record for your patients implies you’ll be able give exact treatment plans and superior evaluated costs to your patients. This diminishes the probability of a persistent having an extraordinary adjust when the protections company has paid its share. Keep your patients upbeat and your accounts receivable moo with the superior protection’s confirmation!

Less shocks, more noteworthy persistent fulfillment

We don’t ought to tell you that when an understanding is cheerful your hone is productive. Equalizations are paid, no-show arrangements are diminished, and understanding referrals surge in. Kill the repulsiveness of having to tell a quiet they owe you distant more than you cited them.


Don’t Stress around Adjusting Your Checkbook

Dental bookkeeping masters will adjust your checkbook for you. They will make all of your bookkeeping diary entries (stores and payments/debits and credits) and categorize your expenses.

Dental Program & EFTs are Accommodated

Dental bookkeeping masters accommodate your dental program & vendor articulations along with your bank and with QuickBooks— a step frequently ignored by non-dental particular bookkeeping firms. This vital assignment makes a difference to anticipate misappropriation.

Bills Paid on Time

Dental bookkeeping pros pay your bills through your bank’s charge pay through restricted get to accounts. Your staff not should compose checks to merchants or have get to your bank’s online account. Take your checks domestic and keep them secure!

No Month-to-month Charge for QuickBooks® Online

Free movement to QuickBooks® Online for 24/7 account get to for you and your group with no month to month Intuit expense for those you employ the Medstrix stage for Dental Bookkeeping.

Messaged Week by week Rundown Reports

Get week by week reports appearing collections, uses and whether or not all bank charges and credits coordinate. Know for certain that your hone is running effectively.

Finance is Made Simple

Take advantage of our helpful Dental Finance Add-on. You’ll be able to oversee and track your finance online at any time for staff and your admin group to yield and favor finance.