
Revenue Cycle Management

We take care of your medical practice
so you can focus on your patients

Certified Professional Coders

Rejuvenate your financial performance by making use of our certified billing and coding professionals. Medical billing and coding is a crucial element, which guarantees reimbursements. A simple mistake can cause insurance companies to reject a claim. Our experts will review charges before submission and work along with providers to recommend new or proper codes and modifiers.

Coding Review to ensure CPT, HCPCS, and ICD 10 compliance

Do you wish to maximize your returns and reduce your accounts receivable? Medstrix is a solution for all your worries. With a team of certified coders who are adept in ICD-10, CPT, HCPCS, and the respective guidelines, we can provide complete Coding Compliance and Auditing Services. These elements confirm the integrity of a provider’s current coding and documentation practices, hence ensuring maximum return on reimbursement.

Patient’s benefits and eligibility verification

Rejuvenate your financial performance by making use of our certified billing and coding professionals. Medical billing and coding is a crucial element, which guarantees reimbursements. A simple mistake can cause insurance companies to reject a claim. Our experts will review charges before submission and work along with providers to recommend new or proper codes and modifiers.

Payments Posting

Insurance and Payment received reporting is carried out daily via ERA and EOB. The record is updated by posting the payment received from the patient at the time of visit or payment made against the balance daily.

Charge Entry

We provide accurate entry of all your hospital and office visits, along with surgical and diagnostic procedures as well as labs. These charges are ‘scrubbed’ for accurate coding and other payer-required edits either while reviewing the electronic file from the provider EHR/EMR or while manually entering the charges from the provider Electronic Health Records.

Claim Submission

Claims submission is carried out electronically through a clearinghouse. These claims are then filed, scrubbed, and checked for accuracy. On some occasions, claims require additional information that we will either provide electronically or on paper as requested by the payer to receive reimbursement.

Claims Follow-up & Denial Management

Our team of Medical Billing Specialists will follow up on claims are they are unpaid or denied to determine the root cause. When required, we make corrections and then re-submit the claims and if there is any patient’s responsibility, then we submit the claims to secondary and tertiary insurances and the patients if they do not have any other insurance. Medstrix is efficient with follow-ups to ensure timely payments.

Payment Analysis

Do you wish to maximize your returns and reduce your accounts receivable? Medstrix is a solution for all your worries. With a team of certified coders who are adept in ICD-10, CPT, HCPCS, and the respective guidelines, we can provide complete Coding Compliance and Auditing Services. These elements confirm the integrity of a provider’s current coding and documentation practices, hence ensuring maximum return on reimbursement.

Patient Statements/Follow-up

Patient statements display details like the amount each patient has to pay. These statements are generated after the primary payers have adjudicated the claim. Each patient receives two statements and final pre-collection notice. Patient statements help with cost reduction and enable timely and efficient billing.

After hours call services

Medstrix is an all-in-one provider for management solutions for Hospitals, Specialty Practices, and Individual Doctors. Our professionals are available 24/7 to ensure that physicians can fully focus on their core duties. Our managerial services include virtual receptionists, front office management services, after-hours call services, and scheduling services. By opting for our assistance, reliability throughout the day and night is a guarantee. Lastly, Medstrix provides its clients with an individual portal for them to have easy access to our messages and clients anytime they want.

HIPAA Compliant

Compliance with the law is a must. Medstrix has a HIPAA-trained & Certified billing team that takes it very seriously to protect and secure the privacy of patient information.

Improved Monthly Revenue

Increase your monthly revenue at the low-cost working with Medstrix solution without increasing the billing cost and save $20k annually for each provider.